Eunhyuk’s feeling about Super Junior 10 members comeback!!

With the existence of only 10 members on the next Super Junior comeback, Eunhyuk expressed his feeling and thought on his cyworld about all of the news which had spread all over the internet. He wrote:

"This might not something that others care about…

however at least this decision has brought us to the end of our mental illness and our mind.
we can not give our exact details and feelings on any news.
but as expected, there will definitely be having a lot of rumors about this…
It's all has been estimated…
We can't only smile..however, we all believed it's the best choice.
And we'll never ever stop..never..we can't stop.
To all of the people who believed and trusted us..
To all of the people who were with us when the time was rough..
To all of the people whose heart feels hurt whenever they see this news and picture..We can't stop..i will carve the word 'START' in my heart once again."
Original Source. 이혁재 미니홈피
Translated by. GAIA at SJ-WORLD.NET\
pic versi besar dari sj-market


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