
Showing posts from November, 2009

MBLAQ Mir and Thunder real name on Star Golden Bell.

Finally, the boys of MBLAQ are on Star Golden Bell ! That is the one show you get to frequently see rookies on and I was getting impatient waiting for MBLAQ to appear. On today's episode, Mir talked about his sister and him. Comedian Kim Tae Hyun said, "MBLAQ's Mir and Thunder have such cool names. What are their real names though?" To this Thunder replied, "Mine is a common one, Park Sang Hyun ." Then Mir cracked everyone up by revealing his real name, "My real name is Bang Chul Yong ." Just looking at the spelling of it makes me laugh. Though he looked embarrassed when he said this he quickly recovered by dragging his sister down with him. When Jun Hyun Moo said, "Thunder is Sandara Park's brother and Mir is Go Eun Ah's brother." Then Mir said, "My sister's name is nice. It's Bang Hyo Jin ." What a cute celebrity Bang family! Here's the full cut of Thunder and Mir on Star Golden B...

Hargai Apa Yang Kita Miliki

Ditulis oleh: Anne Ahira Pernahkah kamu mendengar kisah Helen Kehler ? Dia adalah seorang perempuan yang dilahirkan dalam kondisi buta dan tuli. Karena cacat yang dialaminya, dia tidak bisa membaca, melihat, dan mendengar. Nah, dlm kondisi seperti itulah Helen Kehler dilahirkan. Tidak ada seorangpun yang menginginkan lahir dalam kondisi seperti itu. Seandainya Helen Kehler diberi pilihan, pasti dia akan memilih untuk lahir dalam keadaan normal. Namun siapa sangka, dengan segala kekurangannya, dia memiliki semangat hidup yang luar biasa, dan tumbuh menjadi seorang legendaris. Dengan segala keterbatasannya, ia mampu memberikan motivasi dan semangat hidup kepada mereka yang memiliki keterbatasan pula, seperti cacat, buta dan tuli. Ia mengharapkan, semua orang cacat seperti dirinya mampu menjalani kehidupan seperti manusia normal lainnya, meski itu teramat sulit dilakukan. Ada sebuah kalimat fantastis yang pernah diucapkan Helen Kehler:    ...

Petals 100 % XD

Mata belo bukan tipikal orang Korea yang rata – rata bermata bulan sabit dipotong setengah. So, sekalinya ada anak ginseng bermata bulat besar, itu bisa jadi spesies langka yang harus dilindungi keberadaannya atau dilestarikan. Aneh juga, semenjak membintangi ILYTMT sepertinya semua orang berlomba – lomba mencari tahu sosok seorang bernama Kim Heechul. Sepertinya mereka sama sekali tidak tahu sebelum ini, bukankah Heenim telah melanglang buana selama bertahun – tahun di dunia maya? Gak percuma Korea mendapat julukan negara dengan konseksi internet tercepat di dunia. Entah bagaimana ceritanya, foto – foto pribadinya bisa menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Untuk kalian yang sudah menjadi seorang ‘petals” dari dulu, semenjak Heechul masih bermain dalam Golden Bridge pastinya sudah gak kaget dan sering melihat. beberapa dari kita juga pasti ada menyimpan puluhan foto – foto pre debut Kim Heechul, mulai dari TK, SD, SMP, SMA. So, dengan puluhan faoto – foto yang sudah sering kita lihat it...

Result from MAMA Award

November 22, 2009    MAMA Award akhirnya dilaksanain kemarin 21 November 2009 jam 7 malam waktu Korea. Nggak terlalu terdengar gaungnya seperti Asian Song Festival atau Hallyu Concert. Mungkin karena Super Junior nggak hadir dan emang cuma concern ama mereka aja. Sedikit mengejutkan karena Super Junior berhasil memenangkan 3 kategori. Menurut gue ini diluar dugaan karena, pertama SM nggak nggak mau artisnya masuk list nominasi dan Super Junior sendiri nggak hadir. Tapi semuanya nggak lepas dari peranan ELF juga kok yang beberapa minggu terakhir bela-belain vote mereka. Congrats buat Super Junior. Berikut ini hasilnya. 1. Artist of the Year: 2PM 2. Best Song: 2NE1’s I Don’t Care 3. Best Album: G-Dragon’s Heartbreaker 4. Best Male Group: 2PM 5. Best Female Group: Brown Eyed Girls 6. Best MV: 2NE1’s Fire 7. Best Asian Composer: JYP 8. Best Female Solo Artist: Baek Ji Young 9. Best Male Solo Artist: Drunken Tiger 10.Best Representative for Asia: Dong Bang Shin ...

Add another to Ceci Magazine, this time it’s MBLAQ

19 Nov 2009 - 01:11 PM   If 2PM , Big Bang , and SHINee weren't enough for you, Ceci Magazine has added another idol boy group to it's latest issue, this time it's MBLAQ . Many people think this is MBLAQ's best photo shoot compared to their Vogue and Elle shoots . Thanks to evon@beztiz /JungYuRi @ mba, and absolutemblaq for sharing the photos.

Super Junior Calendar photos for Kyochon Chicken

19 Nov 2009 - 12:40 PM   Back in May, Super Junior was recruited to endorse Kyochon Chicken . At the end of last month, imbc showed a preview of an upcoming Kyochon Chicken 2010 calendar featuring Super Junior . Well, the calendar has been released and we got the scans for you. Thanks to hothee for sharing and check out the scans below.

MBLAQ Puckers Up! [updated with video]

8 Nov 2009  That's right - although rookie group MBLAQ may still be new on the scene, they're already getting some lip-locking action on MBC Every1 ! But before you run over to the MBC headquarters with shotguns in hand, you may want to check out who the lucky boys - yes, boys getting smooched are. I'm going to refrain from any more commentary, so without further ado, check out the bromantic teaser caps here: As you've probably gathered, MBLAQ is playing the infamous fan-service kissing game that's oh-so-popular on variety shows - as our resident Hottests may recall, 2PM also did something similar on Idol Army . These screencaps will undoubtedly get people talking, so make sure to stay tuned for this hot tape. So, are you excited or devastated? Thanks to Raine for the tip! UPDATE: Here are the boys in action, caught on tape! cr. absolutemblaq2 Thanks to ppearl for the tip.

Lee Jaejin is off to College Entrance Exams

November 12, 2009 On a very cold morning today, together with all the other senior grade high schoolers, FT Island ’s Lee Jaejin was off to sit for his College Entrance Exams. Hoobaes were there too, sending him off with good luck wishes and presents. Lee Jaejin expressed that he has confidence for the exams, and greeted all with a smile. Other celebrities attending the exams today include 2AM’s Jung Jinwoon, 4minute’s Jeon Jiyoon and Heo Gayoon, and Shinee’s Minho. With the Seoul Concert (MEN’S STORIES)’s preparation for this weekend and the busy FT.triple promotion activities recently, I wonder how he had time to prepare for the exams….. O_O Nonetheless, we wish our goat, Jaejin a very good luck for the exams!! HWAITING ~ More pictures under the jump….

Tugas TIK#3

Email Sebagai Sarana Komunikasi 1. Pengertian Email (electronic Mail) adalah fasilitas dalam internet yang berfungsi untuk mengirim serta menerima berita atau pesan kepada/dari seseorang. E-mail account adalah alamat yang dimiliki seseorang sebagai kotak pos yang dituju oleh pengirim agar sampai pada alamat yang diinginkan. Dengan email, biaya dan waktu pengiriman dapat diminimalkan, karena pesan dapat dikirimkan ke seluruh penjuru dunia dalam waktu yang bersamaan tanpa adanya tambahan biaya. Beberapa contoh penyedia layanan e-mail : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Setiap pemilik e-mail pasti memiliki password yang digunakan untuk membuka email account. Beberapa tips agar password tidak mudah dipecahkan oleh orang lain adalah : 1. Biasakan membuat password yang terdiri atas campuran huruf dengan angka 2. Jangan gunakan satu huruf pada pssword untuk hal-hal penting karena akan muda...

MBLAQ releases G.O.O.D. LUV music video?

11 Nov 2009 - 09:26 PM Eh, not really. On MBLAQ 's reality show, Mnet Art of Seduction , MBLAQ decided to make their own little music video for their song, G.O.O.D. Luv . Although the video doesn't contain fancy backgrounds and eye-catching choreography due to its "low budget" as printed on the top left corner of the video, it sure captured the netizens' attention. Well, at least they were kind enough to add a cute karaoke-style subtitle for you guys to sing-along to! Check it below: Who knew a shopping mall can be such an ideal place for a music video?

Super Junior-M’s “Blue Tomorrow” MV unveiled

07 Nov 2009 - 06:46 AM After stirring up fans with Super Girl , Super Junior-M is slowing things down with their ballad Blue Tomorrow , another track on the sub unit group's first mini-album. Once we all got an eyeful of the music video yesterday, many readers and ELFs could hardly wait for the full MV to be released. Well, the wait is finally over! Looks like Taiwanese fans who got to see a preview on TV in advance weren't kidding, this is definitely a MV to remember. Meanwhile, Super Junior-M is rumored to be wrapping up their activities in Korea and returning to China in the next few days; rumor has it that the boys will be flying back and forth between Nanjing and Beijing for currently unknown reasons. Who knows, maybe SJ-M has an exciting surprise coming up for us all. Stay tuned for more!

[DKP SPECIAL] November is truely a Boys' Fest!

While many are saying that the world of K Pop this year has been conquered by girls' groups,November is going to be a month to prove them wrong,with the debuts of Boys groups such as Beast,MBLAQ and Child Of Empire and with the comeback of old boys such as SS501,SHINee and U Kiss, fangirls simply can't stop screaming!!! 1. Let's us start with FT Tripe , as a sub group of FT Island. FT Triple can still sing with the absence of Hong Ki,debuting with "Love Letter",these three boys seem to be confident that their LOVE LETTERS will get the approvement by fangirls! 2. New group B2ST debuted last month with their hit song "Bad Girl",this 6 members group managed to steal girls' hearts,not only bad girls'!BEAST's popularity is rising with the unique characteristics of every members... 3. MBLAQ or known as Rain's group  already so popular as people have high expectations on RAIN's boys. Of course th...

Selingan berita..:P,, Minum Susu Justru Sebabkan Osteoporosis?

Image Rabu, 4 November 2009 | 07:41 WIB Hari Osteoporosis Nasional 2009 diperingati ribuan warga di Bundaran Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta, tanggal 25 Oktober lalu. Sebagai sebuah event, acara itu cukup berhasil menarik perhatian, yang tentu tidak lepas dari peran sebuah perusahaan swasta yang memasarkan produk susu, terutama untuk orang dewasa. Acara itu juga seolah-olah merupakan antitesis atau sanggahan terhadap pendapat bahwa minum susu terlalu banyak justru menyebabkan osteoporosis. Pendapat yang terakhir ini tercantum dalam buku best seller karya Prof dr Hiromi Shinya, The Miracle of Enzyme-Self-Healing Program, yang tahun 2008 telah diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia dan diterbitkan Qanita, anak perusahaan Mizan. Hingga tahun ini, buku itu telah mengalami cetak ulang beberapa kali. Tak kurang dari pengusaha Ciputra amat memercayai isi buku itu, sampai pernah mengadakan seminar untuk war...

F.T. Island - Raining lyric w/ KR, JP and Eng sub [DL link]

Title: RAINING // RAINING Singers: FT아일랜드 // FT Island Album: RAINING // RAINING Release Date: 21 October 2009 이홍기 // Hongki 君がいた景色は温もりと安らぎ 色どり // kimi ga ita keshiki wa nukumori to yasuragi irodori 初めて知った恋の香りがした // hajimete shitta koi no kaori ga shita 이재진 // Jaejin 眩しい陽射し浴びて // mabushii hizashi abite 何も恐れずにいたけれど (nothing afraid of) // nanimo osorezu ni itakeredo (nothing afraid of) その明るさは影を (I can’t find) // sono akarusa wa kage wo (I can’t find) 見えなくした (I can’t see you) // mienakushita (I can’t see you) 이홍기 // Hongki 僕がどんな強さで君の手を握り締めたなら // boku ga donna tsuyosa de kimi no te wo nigiri shimeta nara 他の誰かの存在なんて 失くしてしまえたのかな ぁあ // hoka no dareka no sonzainante nakushite shimaeta no kana ah~ CHORUS 1: 이홍기 // Hongki (Melody = Hongki; Harmony = Jaejin) 止まない雨に 濡れないように // yamanai ame ni nurenaiyou ni 肩を寄せあった帰り道 // kata wo yoseatta kaerimichi 君が消えた あれから 僕に // kimi ga kieta arekara boku ni 今も 降り続ける雨 // imamo furitsuzukeru ame 이재진 // Jaejin 流れ行く時間は 満ちていく // nag...